As Assistant Director of the Scully Center facilities, I manage operations and provide research support for our MRI core facility along with the other shared human research labs that compose the center: EEG, TMS, VR, and eye tracking. In the summer of 2024, we expanded our facilities to include the next generation of functional neuroimaging: an MEG Lab using optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) by Cerca Magnetics.
Background: I was first introduced to neuroscience in the late 90s when I was fortunate enough to work in the laboratory of Joseph Tracy at Hahnemann University during my undergraduate years. After college, I was a Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Trainee under the mentorship of the late Leslie Ungerleider at the NIMH before attending Princeton for graduate school. I completed my graduate studies as a first-generation academic in the laboratories of the late Charlie Gross and Sabine Kastner in 2005. Over the years, my research interests spanned from investigations of the attention network to the organization of high-level visual cortex.
Today, in addition to managing PNI's human research facilities, I'm actively collaborating on several ongoing research projects, including work with Annegret Dettwiler measuring (with diffusion imaging), structural changes in the brain caused by weapons blasts in active duty marines. I am also a member of the University's animal welfare committee to ensure that researchers treat laboratory animals in a humane manner in compliance with our laws and regulations, and I manage the veterinary CT scanner for PNI.
Outside of the laboratory I enjoy the outdoors with my family and riding (and writing about) recumbent bicycles. If you see someone riding around Princeton on a strange bike contraption, it's probably me !